07 May

The medical landscape is currently facing some difficult and never-before-seen challenges. Some of those are an aging population, an aging workforce, and increased patient complexity, which, among other factors, contribute to a nurse staffing crisis. 

Finding ways to solve these staffing crises in nursing is essential not only for health institutions but also for patients, as these shortages can impair patient satisfaction and well-being. 

In this article, we’ll discuss the most common staffing issues in nursing and how to resolve them so you can better focus on the patients’ health.

Why are there staffing issues when it comes to nurses?

Nursing has recently sparked worry in the medical community. This is mainly due to the staffing crisis and nurse shortages that multiple organizations are currently dealing with. Fortunately, when it comes to staff, an institution can take actions to resolve the issue. 

The 5 most common issues and their solution

Just like with everything else, solving an issue requires having a deep understanding of the most common problems and a plan that can take you to the solution.      

Technology integration

Technological advancement is key to creating a safe and improved environment for patients and staff. These new technologies can lighten the workload and optimize treatments and medication dosages. However, learning how to work with those technologies can mean more learning time for staff before they can actually integrate into an institution. 

The solution to this is to create comprehensive training programs and ongoing support for nurses to develop proficiency in using healthcare technologies. This way, they can learn more quickly and receive help and assistance when they come across challenges handling the equipment.      

Nurse burnout

Working in the health industry can be draining at times. Nursing is no exception, as nurses need to tend to patients and fulfill the demanding expectations of health institutions while trying to comply with all the security measures put in place to protect the patients. 

To solve this issue, it’s crucial to implement strategies to prevent nurses from experiencing typical burnout. Some can be psychological support, a more even distribution of the workload, providing enough opportunities for breaks and rest, promoting a balanced lifestyle, and offering programs that can help relieve the stress of this demanding profession.       

Difficult access to qualified nurses

This is one of the industry's most common problems. The lack of qualification among nurses often prevents organizations from hiring. This, in turn, leads to a reduced workforce and a heavier workload for the rest of the staff.

Investing in proper education is key to qualification. Ensuring individuals have enough opportunities to enter the medical field, specifically nursing, is crucial to attracting more and better-qualified professionals. Advocating for the expansion of nursing schools and the implementation of incentives like scholarships can also help solve this issue.      

Nurse-to-patient ratio

The inadequate ratio of patients to nurses is another worrisome problem that can put patients in jeopardy and cause burnout.

To resolve this, you must strive to establish appropriate nurse-to-patient ratios that align with industry standards and are backed by research.      

Low income

Low income in the nursing field repeatedly prevents more and more people from entering it, as it can be very discouraging to receive a very low wage after working very long hours.

Finding ways to offer better pay and implement compensation or even reward systems for institution staff can be effective ways to solve the low-income issue. 

How can a staffing agency help with these problems?

A staffing agency can make hiring qualified, motivated professionals much easier by taking care of those problems for you. We can take care of the recruiting process, considering which professionals would be the best fit for your institution.

Let us hire the best team for you!